Launched in 2016, Women in Reinsurance is a non-profit, volunteer-run association consisting of Committee Members working across the reinsurance industry. With over 500 network members, WiRE hosts events to inspire and motivate young talents to pursue their ambition and achieve their full career potential as future leaders. Our events include mentoring, personal development workshops and networking events.
To join the WiRE network, please click on our Membership page.
WiRE is a sub-committee of the Singapore Reinsurers Association (SRA)
About SRA
Established in 1979, the key objectives of the Singapore Reinsurers’ Association (SRA) are:
to represent members in matters affecting their business interests;
to facilitate dialogue and encourage healthy market competition;
to promote professional excellence through education and training;
to foster strong social bonds within the industry and beyond; and
to advance the reinsurance industry in Singapore and its diverse career opportunities
The SRA is managed by an elected Executive Committee, which comprises senior reinsurance practitioners who dedicate their time on a strictly voluntary basis, supported by a full-time Executive Director and Secretariat team.
As of 31 December 2019, the SRA has a total membership of 55, comprising 30 Ordinary, 20 Associate, 3 Affiliate and 2 Honorary members. All major non-life reinsurance companies with a presence in Singapore, as well as some direct insurance companies that write a substantial reinsurance portfolio are Ordinary members of the SRA. In addition, several major reinsurance broking firms as well as some regional reinsurers are Associate members.
For any inquiries or feedback, please email us at admin@wiresingapore.com or complete the contact form below: